Posts: Creative Writing

green typewriter on table

For the Sake of Personal Expansion

An invitation to return to the blank page

Jun 25, 2024

It was when I started dusting the living room blinds that it really became apparent. I had been engaging in avoidance behavior for weeks but never really called it out as that; I was simply being productive, getting things done. But when dusting entered the picture, my least favorite house chore, I couldn’t deny it any longer—I was seriously avoiding writing.

Creative Writing Creative Process Growth Art Creativity

woman’s reflection in a puddle

The Reflection Behind the Blank Page

Resistance to doing the work and the courage to persist

Jul 05, 2022

The desk arrived, finally, after four months of waiting. My writing desk, as I call it. Beautiful rustic whitewash finish. I’d like to believe it was the desk not having been delivered yet that kept me from writing, but I know how untrue that is. I’d like to tell myself that I wasn’t writing because my “writing room” was not complete, what with the unfinished walls and all, multiple paint samples next to each other, none making the cut.

Creative Writing Creative Process Personal Development Artist

notes on different pieces of colored paper

The Ordinary Part of Extraordinary Pursuits

Every dream is full of mundane repetition

Mar 12, 2019

March. It may seem like an inconspicuous month, nicely tucked in-between February and April, trying not to draw attention to itself. But when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, it’s a rather important month. It’s that time when even the most well-meaning, dedicated of us trying to keep our resolutions going have slipped and fallen back into our old ways, or flat out given up.

Goals Dreams Creative Process Creative Writing Habits

interior floor of room

On Writing: Filling the Empty Spaces

Sep 12, 2016

There is a reason most writers love coffee shops. It is the perfect place to people watch. And by nature, us writers are people watchers, observers, gazers. We are hoarders of subtlety and nuance. Of movement and emotion. Much of what shows up in our writing we have taken from our environment, from direct experience.

Writing Artist Creative Writing

typewriter writing I’m sorry

A Letter of Apology To All My Abandoned Creative Projects

Aug 30, 2016

Dear Abandoned Creative Projects: I’m sorry. There is so much more I want to say but it must begin with this. With an apology. You do not deserve to be abandoned, left to rot in a folder or thrown into the trash. That should not be your fate. I have no one else to blame for this but my own inconsistency, my lack of commitment, my distracted mind, and my loss of interest.

Creative Writing Life Lessons Feelings